Thursday, April 19, 2012

Product Rave: Queen Helene's Mint Julep Masque

I can hardly begin to express my love for this stuff. It's   a m a z i n g. I found it one day when I was in Walgreen's browsing around. I also bought a Yes to Tomatoes mask at the same time because I am pretty prone to acne and wanted to try both of them out.

 I first tried the Yes to Tomatoes one and it broke me out terribly which I'm sure was the "purging" thing but I'm not into that. I took it back. 

I read a bunch of reviews online about this Queen Helene shit but was still slightly hesitant because firstly, I didn't want to break out like a mofo again and secondly, because this stuff is amazingly cheap. This giant tube (8 oz) only cost me like $3.50! I don't know about you guys but I'm quite skeptical of items that are so awesomely priced.

The bottle says it "Helps dry up acne pimples, rinse away blackheads and shrink enlarged pores." I'm thrilled to say that it does exactly what it says it will. No to mention it smells so fresh (spearmint) and goes on so easily. It's also not a huge hassle to take off, all you have to do is wipe it with a warm washcloth and Voila! 

From the reviews, I learned that people were using this every other day. I was only planning on using it once a week but If I can use it more often, I'm all for it. That's how much I love it. Now, the only reason I use it every other day is because I have combination skin. Normal on my cheeks but oily t-zone. So I figured it wouldn't dry me out too much due to my skin type. I wouldn't  recommend using it more than once or twice a week if you have dry skin as it may dry you out even more.

I have found that my pores have shrunk drastically and my blackheads are nearly nonexistent. The ones that I still have are easy to get out (not saying you should pick! It's a really bad habit of mine, can't resist sometimes!) As an example, I've had this one blackhead on the side of my nose that, I swear to you, WOULD NOT come out. It's like it wanted to sit in my face for the rest of eternity, no matter how hard I tried to expunge it. A few days after I started using this stuff, I went to town on my blackheads. One squeeze got that sucker out. If that's not amazing, I don't know what is.

I also use this as a spot treatment at night. I put it on my blemishes, pimples, problem spots, and whatever else before I go to bed and sleep with it on. It's awesome. It's sinks into your pimple and knocks it out.

All in all, if you're looking for a good mask to use weekly or whatever, get this! I highly recommend it to anyone and everyone. You definitely cannot beat the price. Most places it's around $4.50 or $5.00. I think they raised the price but, even so, it's an awesome deal.

And now for the obligatory face with mask on picture.

Hope this helps!

Til next time,


  1. I used to use this stuff way back in high school, and have completely forgotten about it since then. Thanks for sharing the epic find! I'm definitely going to have to go snag some of this mint julep-ness. ^-^ (side note: I really enjoy your writing voice!)

    1. Hey, you're welcome. Thanks for saying you like my voice. I worry sometimes that it doesn't come out or whatever and that my writing is just "blah."

  2. Some of the Sally Beauty Supply stores I have been in have it in a tub! I love how thick it is but it is really hard to get out of the tube they normally sell. The tub is so much easier!

    1. Oh man, thanks for sharing that information with me! I'm going to go pick the tub up ASAP.

  3. This stuff looks fantastic! I'm going to try it!
